Valentine’s Day is here and just like any other year; it is time to check in with my significant other for our year-in-review survey. Every year on Valentine’s Day we set aside time to provide feedback to each other on our relationship. It’s a tradition we practice once a year to tell each other what’s working well, what’s not working well, and suggest areas for improvement based on rating each other 1 through 5.
We rate and rank each other in several areas of importance. It’s my time to tell her about the issues that make me disengaged in our relationship as well as my opportunity to let her know some of her outstanding moments over the last year. We then create action plans based on each other’s feedback. We choose two to three areas that we commit to improve on over the next year. Any more than that would be asking entirely too much. Next year, we’ll evaluate the relationship again.
This is like your relationship right? Spend 364 days a year going through the motions then come mid-February decide we are committed to learning from one another on how to have a successful relationship where we are both happy? I didn’t think so.
Strong and dependable relationships have continual feedback. There is an open line of continual feedback that does not hang up. Those in strong and dependable relationships know this to be true. The problem is that organizations throughout the country practice occasionally generating feedback from their employees in hopes of maintaining or creating a strong relationship.
Great organizations, ones that people want to work for, are those that continuously interview their employees to know and understand the conditions and expectations of their employees at all times, and act on that feedback so the employees do not have to constantly remind them of their suggestions.
Think about the company that employs you. How does it handle employee feedback? Is it through continual feedback where employees can voice their concerns or is it one where employees fill out a survey once a year? Do you believe the annual survey is the best option? Does your employer listen to your feedback and attempt to make working conditions better?
Strong relationships have constant feedback. Companies that regularly generate feedback from their employees are in a great position to know the condition of the workplace at all times and therefore are able to create the conditions necessary to retain and engage their employees.
Organizational leaders: don’t get dumped by your employees this year. Implement a continual employee feedback strategy and make sure to act on that feedback so you can have a strong relationship for years to come.