Voluntary Turnover Returns as COVID Recedes

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The latest voluntary quit (turnover) rate shows nearly twice the amount of employees quit their jobs in July 2020 than those who quit in April 2020. Even during a global pandemic, a historic recession (hopefully on a short one), high unemployment, and general fear and restlessness, U.S. workers still control the job market. Yes, that… Continue reading Voluntary Turnover Returns as COVID Recedes

Stay Interviews to Improve & Increase Retention

Create Long Term Retention with Stay Interviews

The U.S. workforce is experiencing a turnover tsunami and those organizations proactive in employee feedback efforts will undoubtedly see their retention improve.   Like mining for gold, you actively prospect and sift through applicants to strike pay dirt with employees that have the potential to be high-performers and to stay with your company for a… Continue reading Stay Interviews to Improve & Increase Retention

Are HR Priorities Misplaced? Insights & Analysis

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I recently read an article comparing the priorities of the CEO to those of the CHRO. It was an interesting read and for the most part the two were aligned. However, after reading the article I wondered whether the stated HR priorities and what is actually being prioritized are the same. On almost a daily… Continue reading Are HR Priorities Misplaced? Insights & Analysis

The Employment Relationship and the Power of Choice

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Power in the employment relationship is an interesting concept and I have never actually discussed the matter using that term. We typically talk about the employment relationship in terms of who has control, but it is easy enough to translate control into the word power. For nearly a decade following the 2008 recession, unemployment was… Continue reading The Employment Relationship and the Power of Choice

Lack of Career Development is the Top Reason for Leaving a Job

Leadership Education

Updated in December, 2023 For more than ten consecutive years, Career Development, or the lack of it rather, is the number one reason listed as to why employees quit their jobs. Our 2023 Retention Report once again shows the lack of Career Development opportunities is driving people to leave their jobs. If your company is… Continue reading Lack of Career Development is the Top Reason for Leaving a Job

The Necessity and Importance of Exit Interviews

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The necessity for employers to utilize the highest quality of Exit Interviews that produce actionable insights has never been greater. Understanding the Importance of Exit Interviews So what exactly are high quality Exit Interviews? It’s simple really. High quality Exit Interviews are those that allow the former employee to be candid enough and comprehensive enough… Continue reading The Necessity and Importance of Exit Interviews

Improve Employee Retention by Focusing on Internal Data

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Updated: July 1, 2024 As the US job market continues to stay fully employed, organizations find it much more difficult to retain their employees because there are plenty of other jobs available elsewhere. A fully employed job market means that everyone who wants to work has a job. When the job market is fully employed,… Continue reading Improve Employee Retention by Focusing on Internal Data