Employee Retention & Engagement Services

Work Institute empowers leaders to engage and retain top talent by turning feedback data into actionable strategies to improve the workforce experience at every stage.

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Employee Retention Consultation & Strategy

View employee retention reports and get a free consultation from one of our employee retention consultants. We can help your company reduce turnover.

Exit Interviews

Get the truth about why they leave and know how to get them to stay. Our Exit Interviews reveal employee perceptions surrounding workplace conditions and how to improve them to increase retention.

Stay Interviews

Understand the employee's intent to stay or leave the organization, and why. Our Stay Interviews reveal employee perceptions surrounding workplace conditions that encourage retention or drive turnover.

EmployeR Engagement Studies

High value Employee Engagement Studies require an organizational philosophy that employee feedback and recommendations drive sustainable success in engaging, developing, and retaining skilled employees while managing controllable human capital cost.

Leadership Development Capabilities

Develop employees and managers through education that creates positive behavior change.

Pulse Surveys

Get the immediate, just-in-time truth with employee Pulse Studies. Pulse Studies lead to improved employee outcomes when results are used to inform continuous improvements and are frequently used to evaluate perceptions after changes are made.

Candidate Experience

Our Recruiting Studies reveal candidate perceptions of the recruiting experience and how to improve it to hire the workers the organization needs.

Onboarding Studies

Onboarding Studies reveal newly hired employee perceptions surrounding the onboarding experience so organizations can make the right changes and how to improve them to increase retention.

How do you Score your Retention Efforts?
Try our Retention Score Card to see how your organization stacks up against strategic best practices.

Employee Retention & Engagement Strategies

We employ several strategies and tools to assist with employee retention programs, talent development solutions, employment consulting and data gathering. Ask questions. Be engaged. Retain employees.