Defining Ethical Behavior in the Workplace

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The Importance of Ethical Behavior in the Workplace The plot of good versus evil, good guys versus bad guys, or right versus wrong has played out in books and movies for ages. It is arguably the most common struggle at the center of narratives of all types. So it should be no surprise that the… Continue reading Defining Ethical Behavior in the Workplace

The Importance & Definition of the Voice of the Employee

Voice of the Employee is Better Data

Updated: February 29, 2024 Voice of the employee has become increasingly important to leaders of organizations, leading the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology to list capturing the employee voice as the number seven workplace trend. As the emphasis escalates, many human resources leaders may be asking what is the definition of voice of employee and… Continue reading The Importance & Definition of the Voice of the Employee

Removing Employee Barriers To Success

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Updated: February 28, 2024 Employees play a huge role in a company’s success, and every employer must ensure they promote a good workplace environment by removing barriers that may negatively affect the employees. To achieve this, organizations need to consider barriers to success and find ways to remove them. This article shows some of the… Continue reading Removing Employee Barriers To Success

Employee Onboarding Study Objectives and Definition

Onboarding Studies Work Institute

It’s true, you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. Yet, many organizations don’t put their best foot forward when onboarding new employees. Moreover, many organizations are in the dark and don’t understand how they can better influence new employees in way that encourages them to stay longer. Onboarding studies are designed… Continue reading Employee Onboarding Study Objectives and Definition

The Power of Asking Why: Employee Feedback Questions for Actionable Insights

employee feedback discussion

An often ignored three letter word that’s answers are extremely powerful to the learning process. Some of us remember that stage in life when our kids walked around asking “Why?” to everything we said. That may have been in the toddler years, some may have had the pleasure of experiencing that in the terrible teen… Continue reading The Power of Asking Why: Employee Feedback Questions for Actionable Insights

Voice of the Employee Lessons from Christmas Vacation

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One of the most popular Christmas movies to date is Chevy Chase’s Christmas Vacation. It is about an accident prone Clark Griswald, played by Chase, who goes to extreme efforts to guarantee a great Christmas for his large family…


It is also about the importance of collecting and understanding the Voice of the Employee.


Seriously, it is.


Throughout the movie, Griswald is talking and fantasizing about what he will do with his yearly Christmas bonus. Based on previous years’ bonus, he believes he will have enough money to finally install a pool in his backyard.


After being tortured daily with a job he hates, he finally receives his bonus. Unfortunately for Griswald it is for a one year membership to the Jelly of the Month Club which puts Griswald into a fit of rage.  So much so, that his wacky cousin Eddie kidnaps the boss on Christmas Eve so Griswald can give him a piece of his mind.


If only Griswald’s boss believed in collecting the Voice of the Employee tools throughout the organization he would have known what his employees expect and thus been able to understand their expectations and avoid the entire fiasco.


Voice of the Employee strategy


When organizations commit to the Voice of the Employee strategy, employees have the opportunity to share feedback at critical points in the employee life-cycle. It creates constant dialogue between the organization and its employees. We can all agree that open communication helps solves most issues inside an organization, and consistently generating the Voice of the Employee does just that.


To learn more about implementing the Voice of the Employee strategy at your employer, follow this link to speak with us.

The Harm of Workplace Labeling: How Generational Stereotypes Hold Us Back

Voice of the Employee and Christmas Vacation

In today’s diverse and dynamic workforce, it’s no secret that employees come from a wide range of age groups. From Baby Boomers to Generation Z, each generation brings its own unique perspective, skills, and experiences to the table. However, we often find ourselves succumbing to the harmful practice of labeling employees based on their generation… Continue reading The Harm of Workplace Labeling: How Generational Stereotypes Hold Us Back

How to Generate Actionable Feedback from Employees

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To generate actionable employee feedback, organizations must be able to understand the actual reasons for employee departure. Organizations must realize there is strategic information that should be secured from the talent who left the organization. The organization needs to get the truth from former employees about the company, their job, their supervisor, and their team.… Continue reading How to Generate Actionable Feedback from Employees

Employee Retention Strategies are Not “One Size Fits All”

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As we get into the middle of January, employers eagerly implement retention strategies to stave off the wave of employee turnover that occurs soon after a New Year begins. With that, several articles are published telling employers how these exact practices will engage and retain workers, but are these effective ways to keep valued employees… Continue reading Employee Retention Strategies are Not “One Size Fits All”

Why Exit Interviews Are Essential for Employee Retention

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It’s a fact, to learn the real reasons employees leave, and make decisions on the truth as employees perceive it, organizations must ask employees why they left in a way that brings out the truth. When used effectively, exit interviews reveal the true causes of employee turnover and inform targeted strategies to improve employee retention.… Continue reading Why Exit Interviews Are Essential for Employee Retention