The Importance & Definition of the Voice of the Employee

Voice of the Employee is Better Data

Updated: February 29, 2024 Voice of the employee has become increasingly important to leaders of organizations, leading the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology to list capturing the employee voice as the number seven workplace trend. As the emphasis escalates, many human resources leaders may be asking what is the definition of voice of employee and… Continue reading The Importance & Definition of the Voice of the Employee

The Power of Asking Why: Employee Feedback Questions for Actionable Insights

employee feedback discussion

An often ignored three letter word that’s answers are extremely powerful to the learning process. Some of us remember that stage in life when our kids walked around asking “Why?” to everything we said. That may have been in the toddler years, some may have had the pleasure of experiencing that in the terrible teen… Continue reading The Power of Asking Why: Employee Feedback Questions for Actionable Insights

Employer or Employee-In-Control Marketplace

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The job market economics are clear. Regardless of the COVID distraction of the last several months, the escalating competition for workers and a shrinking talent pool will (again) likely come together, intensifying an employee-in-control marketplace. The need for trained and talented workers is likely to grow faster than their availability, again. A decrease in unemployment,… Continue reading Employer or Employee-In-Control Marketplace

Dependence on Ill-Defined Engagement Is a Mistake

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Organizations will continue to struggle with finding and keeping people and creating the workplace conditions necessary to drive productivity despite the recent modern workplace challenges. Organizations spend billions of dollars on employee attraction, retention, and development in an effort to manage, yet employees remain disengaged with their roles and disenfranchised from their companies. Organizations are… Continue reading Dependence on Ill-Defined Engagement Is a Mistake

Understand and Act on Employee Perceptions to Execute Growth and Productivity

Collect feedbak and Act on feedback

Understand and Act on Employee Perceptions to Execute Growth and Productivity As an organizational-behavior-management professional, it is relatively common for business leaders to tell me of their employee engagement strategies. I hear about casual dress days, wine parties, cappuccino machines, new compensation plans, flexible schedules, increasing work-from-home days, wellness and gaming apps, training, stock purchase… Continue reading Understand and Act on Employee Perceptions to Execute Growth and Productivity

Ways to Inspire Employee Engagement as Staff Returns to Work


The pandemic has offered the opportunity to rethink many things – how we conduct our business, how we connect with others, how our physical safety has become our priority as we self-quarantine, etc. We have learned many lessons during this time and if we are smart, we will carry this learning with us into the… Continue reading Ways to Inspire Employee Engagement as Staff Returns to Work

Employee Well-Being During the COVID-19 Crisis

Stressed at Work scaled

Well-being is related to physical or mental health concerns of the employee or those of his or her family. As the employability marketplace improved between 2010 and 2019, employees found opportunities to prioritize caring for themselves and their families and placed high importance on well-being reasons in their decisions to stay or quit a job.… Continue reading Employee Well-Being During the COVID-19 Crisis

Engagement Studies Should Help Reduce Turnover and Increase Retention. Have Yours?

employee discussion

Twenty years ago, I was invited to deliver the keynote address at a recruitment and retention conference in Las Vegas. I spoke with the event organizers to fully understand their objectives and then crafted the deliverables for my presentation entitled “The Differing Preferences, Expectations, and Intents of an Emerging Workforce.”   As it came time… Continue reading Engagement Studies Should Help Reduce Turnover and Increase Retention. Have Yours?

The Power of Employees in Today’s Job Market

Employee Power Control

The job market in today’s economy continues to prove the power employees hold. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports 2019 closed out with a 50 year low unemployment rate of 3.5% and a whopping 7.3 million job openings. This means the majority of open jobs will be filled by employees who are currently working.  … Continue reading The Power of Employees in Today’s Job Market

The Truth About Employee Engagement & Acquisition


Updated for 2023 Organizations continue to struggle with finding, attracting and retaining employees. And after they have done that, they struggle with creating the workplace conditions necessary to drive employee productivity. To manage responsibly, companies increase budgets and resources (money and people) on engagement initiatives that simply do not work. So what in fact is… Continue reading The Truth About Employee Engagement & Acquisition