Importance of the Service Profit Chain Model

Service Profit Chain

Updated: February 29, 2024 What is the Service Profit Chain Model? The Service-Profit Chain is a theory and business model evolved by a group of researchers from Harvard University. In their book The Service Profit Chain – How Leading Companies Link Profit and Growth To Loyalty, Satisfaction and Value they prove the direct link between superior service… Continue reading Importance of the Service Profit Chain Model

The Importance & Definition of the Voice of the Employee

Voice of the Employee is Better Data

Updated: February 29, 2024 Voice of the employee has become increasingly important to leaders of organizations, leading the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology to list capturing the employee voice as the number seven workplace trend. As the emphasis escalates, many human resources leaders may be asking what is the definition of voice of employee and… Continue reading The Importance & Definition of the Voice of the Employee

The Power of Asking Why: Employee Feedback Questions for Actionable Insights

employee feedback discussion

An often ignored three letter word that’s answers are extremely powerful to the learning process. Some of us remember that stage in life when our kids walked around asking “Why?” to everything we said. That may have been in the toddler years, some may have had the pleasure of experiencing that in the terrible teen… Continue reading The Power of Asking Why: Employee Feedback Questions for Actionable Insights

The Cost of Replacing an Employee

adding up costs

What gets measured gets managed. With the estimated costs of employee turnover ranging from 33% up to 200% of the departing employee’s salary, it is imperative for organizations to understand exactly what goes into the overall cost of employee turnover. There are multiple layers in beginning to calculate the exact costs of turnover which is… Continue reading The Cost of Replacing an Employee

Top 5 Insights from Pulse Interviews & Employee Feedback Strategies

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Pulse Interviews are a regular employee feedback practice for organizations committed to fully understanding the challenges employees encounter in their roles with the company. Pulse Interviews are the best way to generate continuous, up-to-date feedback from employees. Organizations dedicated to creating a productive employee environment understand exactly how important it is to regularly reach out… Continue reading Top 5 Insights from Pulse Interviews & Employee Feedback Strategies

Are HR Priorities Misplaced? Insights & Analysis

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I recently read an article comparing the priorities of the CEO to those of the CHRO. It was an interesting read and for the most part the two were aligned. However, after reading the article I wondered whether the stated HR priorities and what is actually being prioritized are the same. On almost a daily… Continue reading Are HR Priorities Misplaced? Insights & Analysis

Employee Anxiety & Depression in the Workforce

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While reviewing employee responses to prepare our 2021 Retention Report (reflective of 2020 Employee insights on Turnover, Reasons, Costs, and Recommendations*), I am struck by the influence of the coronavirus pandemic on employee and organization behaviors, especially in the categories of Well-Being, Work-Life Balance, and Health and Safety that can all lead to workforce anxiety,… Continue reading Employee Anxiety & Depression in the Workforce

Employer or Employee-In-Control Marketplace

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The job market economics are clear. Regardless of the COVID distraction of the last several months, the escalating competition for workers and a shrinking talent pool will (again) likely come together, intensifying an employee-in-control marketplace. The need for trained and talented workers is likely to grow faster than their availability, again. A decrease in unemployment,… Continue reading Employer or Employee-In-Control Marketplace

Understand and Act on Employee Perceptions to Execute Growth and Productivity

Collect feedbak and Act on feedback

Understand and Act on Employee Perceptions to Execute Growth and Productivity As an organizational-behavior-management professional, it is relatively common for business leaders to tell me of their employee engagement strategies. I hear about casual dress days, wine parties, cappuccino machines, new compensation plans, flexible schedules, increasing work-from-home days, wellness and gaming apps, training, stock purchase… Continue reading Understand and Act on Employee Perceptions to Execute Growth and Productivity

Ways to Inspire Employee Engagement as Staff Returns to Work


The pandemic has offered the opportunity to rethink many things – how we conduct our business, how we connect with others, how our physical safety has become our priority as we self-quarantine, etc. We have learned many lessons during this time and if we are smart, we will carry this learning with us into the… Continue reading Ways to Inspire Employee Engagement as Staff Returns to Work