How to Generate Actionable Feedback from Employees

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To generate actionable employee feedback, organizations must be able to understand the actual reasons for employee departure. Organizations must realize there is strategic information that should be secured from the talent who left the organization. The organization needs to get the truth from former employees about the company, their job, their supervisor, and their team.… Continue reading How to Generate Actionable Feedback from Employees

Why Employees Quit During COVID-19

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We recently hosted a webinar titled “Voice of the Employee Trends During the Pandemic.”  The below quotes are based on Work Institute interviews with employees who quit their jobs based on how their organization managed the coronavirus pandemic. Employees continuously demonstrate three primary categories of reasons why people intend to quit or quit during this… Continue reading Why Employees Quit During COVID-19

Understanding the Reasons for Employee Departure

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What Factors Drive Employee Resignation and Departures? We recently wrote about the multiple layers of costs associated with employee turnover. From the basic direct costs of separation, replacement, and training costs to the more complex and less exact costs of transition and opportunity costs, calculating the exact cost of an employee’s departure can be overwhelming. Not… Continue reading Understanding the Reasons for Employee Departure