The Power of Employees in Today’s Job Market

Employee Power Control

The job market in today’s economy continues to prove the power employees hold. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports 2019 closed out with a 50 year low unemployment rate of 3.5% and a whopping 7.3 million job openings. This means the majority of open jobs will be filled by employees who are currently working.  … Continue reading The Power of Employees in Today’s Job Market

The Truth About Employee Engagement & Acquisition


Updated for 2023 Organizations continue to struggle with finding, attracting and retaining employees. And after they have done that, they struggle with creating the workplace conditions necessary to drive employee productivity. To manage responsibly, companies increase budgets and resources (money and people) on engagement initiatives that simply do not work. So what in fact is… Continue reading The Truth About Employee Engagement & Acquisition

Thanksgiving Holiday and the Important Voice of the Employee

thanksgiving meal

Updated: August 23, 2023   It is that time of year again when we get to have a day or two off work to spend time with loved ones and share a Thanksgiving meal. If your meal is like most others in America, the conversation around the turkey will turn to your job and how… Continue reading Thanksgiving Holiday and the Important Voice of the Employee

5 Objectives of EmployER Engagement Initiatives

engaged team scaled

5 Objectives of EmployER Engagement Initiatives Human resources (HR) professionals and company leaders are increasingly tasked with assessing and improving employee engagement within the workforce – but where do you begin? Work institute can help here; the first step is to conduct an engagement study. Often referred to as an annual employee survey or employee… Continue reading 5 Objectives of EmployER Engagement Initiatives